digital menu boards

Why A Commercial Digital Menu Board Is Better Than A Static Menu

For years, a static menu has been the staple of every place to eat, from fast food to high end restaurants. Now, the commercial digital menu board has begun to offer a viable, simple and effective alternative to the traditional static menu.

There are many reasons that a digital menu screen could, and should, replace the static menu in your restaurant. Here are some of our favourites.

Save valuable time

A restaurant is a fast paced environment. Things change constantly, and it can be hard to keep the lines of communication from the kitchen to the Front of House open. When specials have limited availability, menus change depending on the time of day, or offers are around for a short amount of time, flexibility is key. This isn’t possible with a printed or static menu, but can be done with the push of a button with a commercial digital menu board. Depending on the solution you choose, this can be automated or fully within your control.

Enhance your customer experience

For most of the general public, seeing is believing. What better way to show your beautiful presentation and high quality craftsmanship than with a visual display. Not only do customers know exactly what they’re getting, but they’ll be able to see the quality before it arrives at their table. If you use touchscreens, you can even enable customers to personalise their orders, improving their enjoyment of their meal and encouraging repeat visits. Entertain, inform and simplify for your customers; they will thank you.

Keep things cost-effective

Alongside flexibility comes cost-effectiveness. Although an investment in a digital signage solution can be more than a one-off print, the costs of maintaining this soon overtake an initial cost. The price of design, printing, shipping and reprinting with every new offer or additional menu item can add up. With a digital menu screen, it’s a case of a one off install and integration, and the rest is up to you. We also offer a budget friendly commercial digital menu boards in a variety of sizes. 

Take the work out of upselling

Not everybody is a natural born salesperson, but some things simply sell themselves. Bring in extra income by featuring low-priced impulse buys on your menu boards to tempt waiting customers. Upselling to a meal is far easier when the options are laid out in front of the customer in a mouthwatering HD image, with no pressure from the cashier. That way, they’ll already have the extra items in their mind when it’s time to order. Burger King found that a menu screen in their London and Birmingham locations resulted in a 64% increase in sales over 12 months.

Never stop engaging

When the doors are shut and the lights go out, most restaurants aren’t advertising any more. With commercial digital menu boards, you can be engaging with future customers 24/7. Use your shop windows to keep your menu boards street-facing, then show offers, images, stories and reviews to passersby. Not only can this help bring in foot traffic whilst the doors are open, but can sow seeds for new customers who might just make their way back tomorrow. Make sure the content is memorable and the designs are eye catching enough to stop a passerby in their tracks.

With digital signage, you can elevate the way you communicate with your customers to a new level. With an expert like James Hogg on your team, you’ll be able to find a solution that fits with your branding, location and budget whilst reaping the rewards of a stunning new menu screen.

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